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Pre-paid or Post-paid Mobile; Which is better?

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Telephony In India for both fixed and mobile is billed using pre-paid and post paid system. Fixed duration contract based billing is offered by a very few providers on very limited number of plans.

In case of pre-paid mobile services, the customer top ups his account in advance with money in the form of credits which then can be subsequently used for making calls, sms, data etc. This is similar to the Pay As You Go service offered by telephony companies in US & UK. The subscriber can top up with any amount of his or her wish and is not bound by any monthly commitment to spend some pre fixed amount every month in topping up. This allows for great deal of flexibility and freedom to the subscriber as depending on the usage he can spend on credits. Most of the mobile companies offer attractive fixed denominations to top up with so as to offer extra benefit to the subscriber. The service tax component of the mobile telephony service is also included in these top ups. Top ups in India are commonly referred to as recharges. Top ups start at as little is Rs. 10 and go up to Rs.10,000 in case of most mobile companies. A subscriber can recharge his or her account via both channels online and offline.

Post-paid telephony services refer to the billing system in which subscriber pays for the telephony services post he or she has consumed the same. In this kind of billing system there is a billing cycle – monthly, in case of most service providers. For all the calls, sms, data etc consumed in the billing cycle, the customer pays at the start of the next cycle. Penalty fees are levied in case of late payment and in some cases discounts are offered on payment before due date.

For heavy users Post-paid service is better as per unit call costs comes down while for light to moderate users Pre-paid service is better.Any subscriber is free to switch from pre-paid service to post paid service and vice-versa. Majority of retail subscribers use pre paid service for mobile telephony in India.

Operator bundling the mobile handset with mobile services is not much popular in India, unlike in the US where 24 months and 18 months contract are much popular. One reason for the same is that call tariffs in India are amongst the lowest in the world.




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