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Mobile Number Address Location Trace Service

  Location results for the trace of mobile Number  +91.

  Service Provider : 

  Service Type :     

Region Principle Languages: 

Local Time at the Location : Apr2324 14:20:39

Mobile Number Octave Value: 0

Mobile Number belongs to the region of in India and uses mobile network powered by technology. The Current local time at is Apr2324 14:20:39. The approximate location of the mobile number can be seen in the map below.

 Service Country:  India


 Service Region : 

  Service Region Location Map

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At IndiaTrace we help you find information and trace the number owner and location across both the mobile network technology. The number trace feature works for all current thirteen mobile service providers operating in the country. One just needs to enter the correct full ten digit mobile subscriber number in order to trace it. The trace result page shows the geographic  region of the mobile subscriber, the service provider company and the network technology. Trace mobile number with address service is without any guarantee of the result. Due to mobile number portability facility in India, mobile number owner and other details take up to four weeks to be updated in our system. We strive our best to provide most updated mobile location track results. In case the mobile number entered shows error, kindly check back after two weeks as the database is updated every two weeks. If you find the service useful make sure to share it with friends and follow us on facebook and twitter.

Indian mobile numbers are allocated by TRAI and follow a strict region and service provider based ten digit coding guideline. At the time of issuance and activation of mobile number the owner has to submit his or her identity and valid address proof along with photograph, which is verified by the mobile service company and self attested by the number owner, and is linked to his mobile number and can be traced using a FIR by the police with the help of the cellular network operator company.

Real time location of mobile phone is also possible depending on the operating system of the mobile device. This feature generally is offered in case of smartphones with GPS facility. Android and iOS are the prominent smart phone operating platforms with this tracing facility in built. Both the operating systems offer the feature of tracking the cell phone via a web interface using a web browser or dedicated app on another mobile. The exact location of the phone can be seen on map using the GPS signals from the mobile. For the feature to work the mobile device must have internet connection via service provider or WiFi. In case the mobile device is switched off or not in coverage area, the last known location can be known but real time update of location on mobile number is not possible. There are also many third party mobile apps that offer the mobile location tracking service besides the in built feature in mobile operating system. Similarly, call logs and last called numbers can also be accessed via web browser over internet with the help of third party spy apps that run in background and keep a log of all data like- location, calls, sms etc. Some such apps also offer access to mobile camera and microphone remotely. Although it is not advisable to trust such spy app loggers as more often they collect information without consent for selling to advertising companies.

Most of the times the best way to recover a lost phone or get details about a mobile number is the mobile service provider companies as they can trace the mobile device and phone number using the imei code of the mobile device. In case of theft, by giving a written application along with a copy of Police FIR report the mobile device can be blocked on all service providers in India, there by rendering the mobile device useless. It is also possible to wipe off and delete all personal information including photos, phone book and sms remotely in case of smartphones. In case of unwanted calls from unknown numbers to finding the address and owner of a particular number a FIR copy is very useful. Due to privacy of their customers the telephony companies might not reveal the details of the customer using the number without the FIR copy and written formal complain. In case of telemarketing calls and spam calls the more details can be sought from the mobile service companies even without a police complain. One can also block all such unwanted marketing calls and sms by registering in National Do Not Call Register.

Like landlines, mobile numbers in India follow a specific coding wherein the first four or five digits of the ten digit mobile number are tied to a specific geography or telecom circle and unique mobile service provider company. For example, all mobile numbers starting with 9999 belong to customers of Vodafone in Delhi-NCR telecom circle. However, due to the recently introduced mobile portability service it is now possible to change service provider without changing the mobile number, in the same telecom circle. So a Delhi telecom circle Vodafone customer having his mobile number 9999xxxxxx can switch to a different provider like Airtel, Reliance Jio, Aircel etc. in the same circle porting his number to the new company and keeping the same old number while switching to a new service provider. There are plans to very soon introduce a system wherein mobile number portability across different telecom circles would also be possible. For more information on mobile number tracking and other topics do visit the help wiki.

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